

  • Hello my name is Teresa and I started MFP a little over a year ago. I lost 40 then gained 3 back. I am dealing with some health issues presently that I am not sure if it is having an effect. The doctor says it might so I am going to continue to log and as long as the gain stays stagnant I am happy. After December I will…
    in Welcome! Comment by aka9110 July 2013
  • Great to have you on the program. Was your plan set to lose 2 pounds a week? If so change it to 1 pound for the first week and then increase gradually until you get up to 2 pounds a week. Eat everything in moderation as everyone has said. As for the junk food in the house throw a party for your skinny friends and have them…
  • Honey you are doing great. Look at your arms you can super see it there. Oh and don't forget the abs. You look awesome we never see the weight loss. Just smile as you continue to give clothes away.
  • I am in!!! Fitbit will be attached daily. Have made the goal on the days I exercise would like to get up my daily activity to the same level without hitting the gym!!!!!