bluejaiye20 Member


  • Hi there! 11 weeks postpartum with baby #2 in California, here. Breastfeeding never worked as far as weight loss for me. Gained 50lbs this time, lost 20 by 6 weeks postaprtum naturally. Started working out on treadmill 4 weeks ago 4-5days/week for 45 mins. 7lbs lost since working out but waist is much smaller and overall…
  • My little guy is 12 days old today. I have 35lbs to go to get to pre-preg/goal weight. Out of curiosity, how many days postpartum did you ladies start exercising (ie. More than just going for a walk)?
  • Hey all! I'm losing weight for my wedding on Nov 9th of this year! Here are my stats: I'm 5' 8.5'' SW: 223 lbs (191 when I started MFP) CW: 180 lbs GW: 165 lbs I workout 5-6 times a week, burning about 500 calories per workout. Total net calories at the end of the day is around 1200 calories. In my profile pic, I was…
  • I'm 5' 8.5'' SW: 223 lbs (191 when I started MFP) CW: 180 lbs GW: 165 lbs I workout 5-6 times a week, burning about 500 calories per workout. Total net calories at the end of the day is around 1200 calories. In my profile pic, I was around 183-185 lbs. I did get down to 167 lbs once and I looks kind of skeleton-ish and my…
  • I workout 5-6 days a week, burning about 500 calories each workout, plus consuming enough to keep my total net caloric intake around 1200 calories a day. My cheat days are on Sundays. The problem with cheat days is I tend to go overboard, WAY overboard. This past Sunday, I literally consumed 4,000 calories, going out to…