Well, this one's for you.
At home, I do all my businesses sitting down. Fixes all the problems. In a public washroom, that's another story.
Chippies! (Sour Cream & Onion Ruffles)
great white
Neil Peart from Rush. The Thinking Man's Rock Band. Congrats on making it in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in 2013 (finally!!).
do what Dad had said...
We're all from Earth.
I've lost an average 2 year old and a rack of ribs. Really, I lost a 2 year old at Tony Romas! :laugh:
socks ;)
I like big butts and I can not lie.
Uncooked cake batter. It all puffed up in my belly, and felt like crap for hours. It was a childhood dream, but it's never as good as it seems.
Take my shirt off.