England Scotland N Ireland (I'm Welsh so the above three are different countries :D ) Germany Belgium USA (California) Luxembourg Netherlands France (for the day and passed through) Thailand
I don't like the way they do this because if you want to lose weight you have to exercise to burn up EXCESS calories - if you're putting those calories back into your body you're hardly going to have much weight loss!
An article on Yahoo - top 10 reasons why you aren't losing weight You overcompensate for exercise Many of us are familiar with the temptation to reward our workouts with an edible treat (well, you’ve just burned off all those calories, right?), however, it may be that by increasing your calorie intake to fuel or reward…
Don't look at the wider goal but set yourself small target - like lose 14lbs by whatever date! You may get days where you slip - don't give up though - pick yourself up (metaphorically speaking) and start again! Don't say I'm starting tomorrow - tomorrow never comes - say I'm starting on Wednesday or Monday (or whatever…
I saw a tee shirt with this question on - written across a woman's chest - need I say anymore? :|
Chicken breast is generally a lean meat (cut off any visible fat) wrap the breast in kitchen foil - aluminum foil. Cook in the oven - this should keep it moist!
Muscles are good energy burners - the more muscle mass you have the high your metabolic rate becomes! Even if you weigh the same, but have more muscle - that's good! Your body will change shape too so don't become discouraged - keep up the exercise :)
Hi from sunny Wales (and yep, it IS sunny :D )
Just ignore her - she's one jealous mom because you're achieving something that she hasn't perhaps? Well done for getting 100% in a exam btw! Look at your mother's life - has she really achieved anything, does she go out to work? (I don't mean that horribly, but if she's been stuck in the house day in day out she may…
Once those ligaments go - there's no turning back and the older us women get, the more mass we lose in our breasts and they start heading south! You COULD try chest exercises, but not sure they're much use tbh!
lost 17lb so far
Loads of sit ups and crunches generally do the trick - work to shorten those abs etc! You may not get a surf board flat stomach but it will flatten it considerably - use a toning band too...
Dizzy because that's my nickname (it describes me sooo well) :) Cool babe - well I live in hope LOL!
1,000 calories is too little - you need to up it a bit! People think they need to starve themselves to lose weight but all you have to consume is the amount of calories your body uses for its daily function! 1,400 calories would probably be better!
It's called being American... (sorry - I'm a Brit and I'm teasing because I have some wonderful - non-dramatic American friends)
That seem a high amount of calories, but then again you're young and may need more food intake to cope your youthly vigour! When I was younger I ate 1400 calories and maintained!
If you break the word up - break fast - that's exactly what youre doing - breaking a fast! In all likely hood you will not have eaten for about 8 hours and during that time your body will have been replenishing your cells etc as well as still keeping your heart, lungs, brain etc going therefore it is best to have breakfast…
The less calories you eat the more likely it is for you to burn out and your body to go into self-protect mode and slow your metabolism down therefore you not losing weight! I started a diet on 1200 a while back and lost 2lb in the first week, gave up and now since Jan 1st this year I have been on 1400 cals, exercising and…
It's funny when people in the US mention that their gas is highly priced because here in the UK it's ridiculous! A couple years ago I worked out that we probably pay the equivalent of $8 per gallon for our fuel (we call it petrol here ;) ) It's probably more now *sigh*
Well, I've lost 14lbs since the beginning of January! I find it helpful to log what I'm eating so I can keep track of my daily calories! I think it is accurate, although, being a Brit - I presume the foods bought here [in our supermarkets etc] have been put in by users so I'm hoping they have things right :) - doing random…
I agree that people don't HAVE to eat meat and so long as vegetarians and vegans replace the same nutrients which may be lost through not eating meat/fish/any animal produce they are very healthy diets (no saturated animal fats for one thing) BUT it is a choice, the same as eating meat is a choice! I eat meat and fish, but…
LOL - good idea - my weight would be a lot less if it wasn't for my guzumping boobs...
I'm from Wales, UK - joined ages ago, but have only really taken losing weight seriously this year...
Hi I'm also from the UK! I'm just starting out - aiming to lose 1 stone (14lbs) by 20th December! With dedication and discipline I'm sure I'll do it :D
Hello - also from the UK! I joined because an American friend invited me to here so that we could support one another - got to admit, not used it much since joining (so I'm not much of an encouragement...). Here I am first day! Going to try and lose a stone (that's 14lbs to all our cousins across the pond) by 20th December…