Hey Slartibaartfa, Glad to hear you are interested in Triathlons. **Warning** They are addictive. Training tips - #1 Don't go too hard, too quickly. I was told this when I first started training. Unfortunately, I did heed the advice, ended up with a stress fracture and had to stop running for 8 wks. #2 Find a local…
finally figured out how to post an image. took me forever! I need more millennial friends to help with this stuff. ;-)
My skivvies if I'm only. Nothing if my wife is around :bigsmile:
Im'd you.
You bet. Let's be MFB friends.
Love to add you as a friend
Me too.
Since i'm trying to shed more body fat, my caloric intake is less than my expenditure. To ensure that i get all my vitamins and nutrients, i also take supplements. Diet pills don't work for me.
Feel free to add me to friends list.
What you do at the gym really depends on what your ultimate goals are? I haven't seen your profile, but judging from your '7 lbs to go' status, it doesn't sound like you are that much over weight. Perhaps you just want to get tone. If that is that case, then just about every machine in the gym will help you do that, as…