jenishort Member


  • What I mean is I eat a healthy meal to break my fast. Many assume that you can eat whatever you want during the eating period. That is not true. You should break your fast with something with nutritional value, not a hamburger and fries.
  • I have been doing it for a month now. However, I just really learned how to do it correctly. I typically try to to the 18:6 method. And I try to eat my last meal at 6 pm. I have lost around 8ish pounds and started incorporating cardio with IF. Exercising when in the fasted state feels unbelievable. I also feel better and…
  • You can count on me! I need to lose 8-10 lbs if I want to be down 24 lbs. by July 24!
  • I did that with ribs last night! I only had 3 small (well, small to me) ribs and they were 300 calories! That doesn't sound like alot but when you add the sides with it, I almost went over my caloric intake. Thank goodness I took it easy during lunch! But my favorite thing to eat is pasta! Oh how I miss thee....
  • Add me! I am a 30 year old teacher! Mommy to a beautiful five year old.