Awesome, thank you for sharing your story! I'm going to friend request you, I'm a huge supporter of the military and have two step-sons currently serving. :-)
Thanks for the positive attitude. I was having that kind of day can I still look so chunky when I've worked SO hard to drop 60-some pounds?! You reminded me to be grateful for how far I've come. PS: I see a HUGE difference in your photos - a job well done!!
Office Manager by day/Rockstar (singer) by night. :-) I live in Southern California but am from Green Bay, WI. No kids but lots of rescued fur-babies! Nice to meet everyone.
Way to go! I love that you're happy with how far you've come, even though you want to drop a bit more weight. I think you look phenominal right now, thanks for sharing!
Awesome, thanks for sharing with us! I love that you're doing 5K's!
I usually just lurk but had to post on this thread! I lost 60 pounds 5 years ago and have maintained but was unable to shed any more weight! I'm a zumba instructor, roller derby girl, and work out at least 5-6 times a week. Figured my body had found it's plateau and that was that. For the last 4-5 months I was feeling…