

  • Thanks everyone for the helpful advice, ive been eating alot more peanut butter and drinking a glass of milk a day which has meant i'm only about 4o cals under my daily qouta! Once i can easily managed to get my daily calories im going to up it to put on a lb as its half a lb atm as i thought it might be tough otherwise!…
  • Thank you! I have been getting myself on to it (not a big fan!) but it's getting easier now! Thanks for the reply! :D Daisy x
  • These are great Ideas, thanks so much! I have been eating alot of peanut butter on wholemeal toast, I am finding it tough though to eatmore but not make it it too unhealthy :( !
  • Wow! Can;t believe how much of a response I got for this - thanks so much Everyone! ( Thanks for replying re the typo comment- I wasnt offended dont worry :) ) - After looking through all the comments I think, when I go shopping next I will invest in some fruit and nuts (too add to my porridge), some yoghurt+fruit for…
  • Thanks everyone for the ideas- Smoothie's seem popular so I think I'll try and maybe do that for breakfast! Or I was thinking maybe Greek Yoghurt with something?
  • No Typo I'm afraid :( Thank you! - I was thinking of trying to maybe have a yoghurty smoothie- I am at Uni and have someone stealing from my fridge aswell which doesn't help!!! :P