

  • If you use masticating juicers which function at slower speeds (rpms) than centrifugal juicers your juice is exposed to less heat. This means there will be less oxidization of the juice and you end up with a greater level of nutrition ending up in your glass. This will increase the shelf life of the juice but a week is a…
    in Juicing Comment by Chrisjbt April 2012
  • You should look at a masticating juicer if your juicing quite seriously. These are more expensive If you are not sure yet, start with a centrifugal juicers or citrus juicer. Centrifugal Juicers are the most popular juicers today and generally theses juicers are also more affordable. One of the disadvantages of centrifugal…
    in Juicing Comment by Chrisjbt April 2012
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