

  • He definitely should see a doctor or physical therapist. Also just for those that are feeling knee pains a lot of the times it is a tight IT band and not necessarily knee probs. But his sounds like knee probs. For tight IT bands a foam roller is the greatest thing ever. You can google tight IT bands and foam roller…
  • I have been there. The exhaustion thing is telling. You aren't eating enough...especially enough cals that are feeding your body well. I would be sure you hit your minimum amount of cals no matter what. Your body goes into starvation mode. It screws up your metabolism. Here are some key things. Eat breakfast within an hour…
  • My personal opinion is because weight varies from day to day you want to see an overall pattern. I think once a week first thing in the morning after you go to the bathroom. If you weigh yourself daily it ends up being this..."am I gonna be in a good mood or a bad mood today?" also I really think it's important to measure…
  • I think no question is a bad question. I workout 6 days a week and I have one day I rest. M,W,F I do a cardio workout with intervals (push real hard for 3 min then recover for 1 min etc... for a total of 30 min). Then on T,Th,Sat I do a 30 minute strength training routine and then I add in some easy to moderate cardio for…
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