

  • I don't know anyone who can just get one and only one... they're like potato chips ;)
  • My bodyink is a diary of where I've been and what I believe in - kanji for "intensity", "soul" "music" "Phoenix" (I'm a Scorpio!), too many to show here and I'm not posting pix until I lose a few more... altogether I have 27 Kanji. I am planning on getting a few more this summer but want to hit a few more fitness-oriented…
  • KETTLEBELLS~~ that is the magic answer, I promise you!!!
  • waste of $6 and shipping. You only lose water weight (I agree with the several others). Up your cardio, greens and water intake. Also, check to see if you may have a food allergy or a chemical allergy (you might be gluten intolerant, or have an allergic reaction to some chemicals in diet products, ilike xylitol in protein…
  • Hi there! I'm 5'8" currently 178 with a goal of 150. I've gotten down to 145 but with a recent dance with a bad bcp I've gained approx 25 lbs. I have three jobs, always on the go (but need to work out more!) and a live-in boyfriend who a super supportive (but could get on the healthy wagon himself!) Let's support one…