I'm in the UK, my midwife told me it was okay to 'maintain' my weight but not lose it.
How are all the January Mums to be doing weight wise ? I was on the top end of 'normal bmi' when I became pregnant so hubby hasn't been able to feel little one kick yet, I suppose baby has more fat to be felt through. He thinks he felt a faint kick last night which was super exciting :)
Hi, I'm 13 wks today :) I've had a gain of 5lbs :( Most of that was before I realised that I was pregnant - my sister in law came to visit for a month and we had many meals out and no exercise so I'm blaming that. Start weight: 154.3 lbs Current weight (wk 13): 159lbs. Does anyone know when the average time to start to…
Hello all, my EDD is 24/01/2013 :) I'm 34 and this is our first. Very very excited. I have only told my Mum and Dad so far, if I can hide it until my 20 week scan then we'll tell everyone after then, but I guess it will all be down to how long my tummy doesn't look obviously pregnant. Does anyone know when you tend to…