

  • I have a HRM ... never thought to use it!/ I use it for running. Would it work for something like this? I didn't think it would give an accurate calorie burn on weight reps .... Maybe I'm wrong? Besides ... the benefit of muscle is that it burns calories when at rest - WOHOO to that!
    in p90x Comment by dleckie4 January 2011
  • Day 2 today ... My upper body is soooooo sore from yesterdays workout. I switched it up and did legs today This way my entire body will ache tomorrow! :) Feels great though seriously. They are TOUGH workouts
    in p90x Comment by dleckie4 January 2011
  • I've added you all :) I hope that's OK ..... I'd also love to have the support!
  • I'm following the nutrition loosely. I'm a long distance runner, with a BAD HABIT of eating poorly, so I don't look like a long distance runner! I need more then one carb a day when I'm running.
    in p90x Comment by dleckie4 January 2011
  • We should keep this thread going .... support each other ... and keep each other motivated You should have seen my 4 yr old doing push ups today - it was PRICELESS! :)
    in p90x Comment by dleckie4 January 2011
  • I've had the program for over a year ..... A girlfriend recently posted on FB that she was starting Day 1. Well, I figured that was my sign :) I just completed day one. I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow! LOL
    in p90x Comment by dleckie4 January 2011