HHS93 Member


  • I've done the same thing recently.. I keep thinking "oh I'll start it again hardcore next week.." (there's been about 3 next weeks..) I've been feeling better though because I started a fashion blog which is helping my confidence and I'd say that thi shas become my motivation.. check it out, it might motivate you :)…
  • I've done the same thing recently.. I keep thinking "oh I'll start it again hardcore next week.." (there's been about 3 next weeks..) I've been feeling better though because I started a fashion blog which is helping my confidence.. check it out, it might motivate you :) (http://getmeoutmymind.blogspot.co.uk) If not, do…
  • I'm on tumblr but I don't use it for style posts so much, just artsy stuff :) Here's the link anyway.. http://iwillbeyouranti-d.tumblr.com/