

  • Then clearly this forum is not for me. As a biology major, I prefer scientific journals to uncited claims put forth on dubious websites. Thank you for illustrating that my opinions are not welcome here.
  • I'm not being snarky, I'm simply presenting the facts. It has been fairly conclusively proven that non-glucose diets have no effect on thyroid function, even in persons with coeliac. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22126672
  • I usually don't eat unless I'm hungry. I still have 700 cals (supposed to hit 1220) left on my diary, and I just finished dinner.
  • Yeah, I've not been watching Mad Men at all, but I had a hypothyroid friend on another forum ranting about how angry she was at the show and the fans for treating it lightly.
  • Actually, "leaky gut" is something that rarely happens outside of coeliac disease. For those who don't have coeliac, gluten is nothing more than a protein found in grains. It's not toxic, and it's not going to "gunk up your innards", because most people digest it just fine. Diagnosing someone with gluten sensitivity or…