

  • Hi I run around 60-70 psi on my mtb if taking it on the road for an extended time which allows me to almost keep up with my road buddies. In the forest on the single track around 27-30psi.
  • Hi I have just joined MFP today and stumbled across this group. I am in the process of needing to loose weight after taking my eye of the ball a couple of years ago when menopause set in. I took up cycling about 8 years ago after loosing allot of weight and took the challenge with a friend to learn how to race. For 6 years…
  • Great result, will keep your story in mind. My menopausal body needs some work
  • Hi I am new to the site but unfortunately not new to wanting to trim up. 12 years ago I lost about 35lbs and felt really great, took up bike racing and lived for my cycling, kept the weight off and enjoyed being fit and trim. Three years ago I started going through menopause, lost motivation and realised I had an early…