Misery03 Member


  • ----Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-- (completed!)
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • still need to do hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia115 jumping jacks 38 push ups 39 suicides 35 squat thrusts 30 squats 1 cup of water 40 crunches 15 arm circles 30 knee highs ----Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious--- 55 pushups 13 suicides 90 jumping jacks 30 squats 45 knee highs 55 crunches 20 mountain climbers 15 arm…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • bump
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • thank you :)
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • bumb
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • BUMP
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • i'm gonna try to do one word a day (mainly because they're huge!) because i just wrote up a 12 week workout plan which is gonna be intense alone but this will be my little extra oomph before Halloween!! cute costume here i come! ;) Ill just post the words i complete as i go because the posts are gettting a little long :p
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • PROGRESScheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • ....i dunno about that one, i believe the word but the workout..intense...well see
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • PROGRESS cheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • i did that one today
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • PROGRESS cheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • PROGRESS cheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
  • lol thank you! nice to know i wont be alone with that one :)
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • PROGRESS cheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
  • PROGRESS cheater20 squats 75 jumping jacks 15 knee highs (COMPLETE) ---antidisestablishmentarianism ---- 60 knee highs 30 crunches 45 squats 50 push ups 15 arm circles 60 jumping jacks 2 cups of water (COMPLETE) Rose35 jumping jacks 5 squat thrusts 5 push ups (COMPLETE) pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis16…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • antidisestablishmentarianism 60 knee highs (check) 30 crunches (check) 45 squats (check) 50 push ups (did 10 because of my wrists but subbed for 15 pound weighted chest flies for a full 50 witht he 10 pushups) 15 arm circles (check) 60 jumping jacks (check) 2 cups of water (check)…
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • haha i certainly do now!!
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • antidisestablishmentarianism 60 knee highs (check) 30 crunches (check) 45 squats (check) 50 push ups (did 10 because of my wrists but subbed for 15 pound weighted chest flies for a full 50 witht he 10 pushups) 15 arm circles (check) 60 jumping jacks (check) 2 cups of water (check)…
  • omg you guys are trying to kill me!! im gonna do these threwout the day and maybe onto tomarrow and ill post when i complete each one!
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • is that even a word?
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • @fire-...ill get to that in a min o.o lol thats gonna take a while @auro- determined :)
    in help! Comment by Misery03 August 2012
  • thanks everyone!
  • im a huuugeee gamer nerd!! xD my biggest problem has been that i grew up hating all veggies, i only liked peas! now im just trying to make myself like them all at once and cut out meats, i just never made many meals with veggies especially not designed around only veggies, also i work at burger king which makes it a little…
  • wtg!! keep up the great work!
  • after my first day i coudnt even sit to use the potty!! but i took a really hot bath and not only was that relaxing, it helped stop the soreness by alot! plus more leg stretching than she does in the video helps too, now i do it with no problem! you got this!!
  • cant wait to post mine here!! :)
  • feel free to add :)