

  • Im in the same boat! i have been at 174-175 for the past 2 months and I am working out 5 to 6 days a week and eating 1250 cals a day and not eating back my work out cals. Its very depressing but we will get through this.. I am hoping to get out of it this month because i feel like im going crazy! Everybody keeps telling me…
  • Thank you! I start back in July and I platued for a month! I know it was kind my fault though because I wasn't eating right but I was working out... Hopefully I can lose another 20 by Christmas... I been eating good and exercising so we will see =)
  • IM IN!!!! I need to get it together! CW: 175 GW: 155 Im ready to get this show on the road =) Glad I have supporters and I can support you all as well!!
  • Aw You look great!!! keep up the awesome job and you very pretty =) How long did it take you?
  • think about the after effects =)... i get up at 6:45 every morning at first it was a drag but once I started to see the after effects I happily get up every single morning..
  • Im 5'2 an I want to be 125-130... If I look too sick then I will try to out 135-140
  • Just try and stay positive and know with in yourself that you can do it! I live at home with my mom and she does all the shopping and alot of the stuff she buys is healthy but a lot is also no good... then my brother and his family just moved in temp. and OMG did they bring a heap of junk food along with them boy oh boy…
  • I would suggest you getting some raw shea butter or raw pure natural cocoa butter and faithfully sticking by it and using it every single day =)
  • Thank you for sharing! You look great!!!
  • there are alot of exercises trust me you can get rid of them go on you tube and typw it in and youll see alot of them that will help you
  • My mother buys alot of frozen veggies, she get a ton of fruits and freezes alot of them because she blends up alot.. Im a pescatarian so she gets me the packaged fish and veggie burgers and she goes to the market instead of the grocery store and buys chicken and lets them cut it up then she will bring it home and clean it…
  • Ugh yes! I had one today and yesterday =(... It makes me so sad when I have these days... We just have to try and be strong...
  • Why don't you just test all your food in your eye and see if you would eat it!! Garlic is good for you it cures a lot of things trust me, Ive witness garlic cure people...
  • I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH! I am an emotional eater myself, heck I think Im the queen of emotional eating lol and its hard especially when i get stressed! What i do is when I feel like I want some french fries or something I go into my bag and take out the bag of grapes or that orange... I try to turn to…
  • Im a vegetarian.. I want to do the vegan thing eventually it just takes time... ive been a vegetarian for 7 years now and still counting .. I LOVE it so much..
    in Vegans Comment by belle_7 July 2012
  • OMG!! YOU LOOK GREAT!!!! Good Job...
  • Hello, I have 50+ to lose! I am beyond determined this time around.. Add me if you like, the more support the better! Just remember you must LOVE you, and if loving you means putting those cravings into control then that's just what you have to do! Im taking my life back and I will never turn back, I hate feeling down and…