

  • I had the sleeve done 3 months ago. Down 65 lbs ... loving it so far
  • I put my calories in as 800 and protein as 80 ... I focus more on getting the protein and water at this point. Some days I`m under 500 and some closer to 700-800 .
  • Three week stall seems to be common. I keep expecting the loss to slow but it keeps coming at this point. I weigh almost daily but I am trying not to get tied to what the scale says. Heck, it changes through out the day depending on what I do. I just like seeing the lower number on the scale and sort of don't believe it…
  • When I was first researching WLS I looked into the band and was shocked at what I read on the forums. It seemed like so little success. I know someone who had it and lost 30 lbs and nothing more... she throws up all time and really regrets it. I am 3 weeks out and have lost that with VSG already. So many people get it…
  • I'm michelle and I had the verticle sleeve done on April 3 , 2012 , I've already lost 28 lbs. I want to lose around 100 lbs -125 lbs. I haven't been thin since I was a teen so I'm not sure what I will look like. I went to Mexico and had a great experience getting my surgery there. I'm from Winnipeg and the wait for the…
  • http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/cleopatra_nik/ she has wonderful advice. I mostly have seen her on the RNY forum.
  • I think it depends on your job. Is it a desk job? more manual? I took 3 weeks off and I am going back next week. I'm a home care nurse, if I was doing lifting in the hospital I would have taken at least a month-6 weeks off. I think for me the only issue is my energy level. I get tired in the afternoon and like to have a…