charny164 Member


  • I wouldn't recommend that she throw everything away. If she can donate all the baked goods and chocolate she has to a charity (homeless shelter, nursing home etc) she may be able to know the good that comes from giving it away. It will make her feel better if she can make someone elses day. If that option isn't available,…
  • Thanks everyone. I like the muffin idea. I could make a whole bunch of mini-muffins. If you eat 4 little ones, it would be like eating 1 big one :happy:
  • Hi everyone, looking for suggestions on what to eat to curb the carb cravings. When I go for a run or have been at the gym, one of the first things I do is stick a spoon full of peanut butter in my mouth when I get home. Argh. Its almost like "hey, you worked out you deserve it!" but it just happens. Like I'm in a trance…
  • OMG - I hope everything is ok. I have 4 dogs and I don't know what I would do if something went wrong. :brokenheart: I did have a little look and this is what I found. Hopefully its just something this simple Take care Char :flowerforyou: Hypothyroidism is also quite common in Pomeranians and breeding stock should be…
  • Hi Guys, I just started running again two nights ago. I came across this thread and was intrigued. So first I had to figure out the conversion from a mile to a kilometre (Canadian Girl here) was and I am totally impressed. I ran about 2.5km (1.5 miles) pretty good for a second run. Then I saw 4 miles? Blown away. I thought…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm not taking any medications but my husband has been taking Paxil for almost a year now. He was a really big guy to start with (about 312) and now we have no idea how much he weighs as our scale errors out when he gets on it - has to be over 330 to error. I am sure that he has put on at least 50 lbs and is…
  • Hey everyone, sorry its been a long time since I last checked in. I ended up getting into a car accident on the 11th and was house bound for the longest week and a half! Not fun. Needless to say, laying on the couch hasn't done me any favors. I was finally able to get back into soccer this past Saturday morning (felt good…
  • I was doing really well except we got a new dog (this makes #4) and its taking its toll trying to settle into the household. I haven't been able to get to the gym in about 3 weeks, only walks every night. Hopefully only one more week and it will be back to normal. Also, I have just now created a new mantra: Work stress is…
  • I know what you mean. I have had salad everyday for lunch and dinner for years! If I get really really really disgusted with them but still have to have one anyway I just make a taco salad without the tacos! Just add salsa for some zip and change out the cheese to something spicy. Another weird one I will do is a pizza…
  • I absolutely love the show. I have watched it faithfully since it started (even the Aussie one :smile: ) It has been a huge source of inspiration for me. Jillian all the way. She scares me :laugh: I would do whatever she says no questions. So looking forward to the new season. Should be great!!!! -Charlene
  • OMG go! You may never have a chance like this again! As kids get older it is harder to get away even though you would think it would be easier. I have two kids (15 and 18) and with their schedules, it is impossible to get away. You deserve a break and your kids will do great without you and your hubby while your gone.…
  • Happy birthday!!! 35 isn't so bad - I'm there right now. I here it only gets better when your 40. Chin up. Age is like fine wine :happy:
  • OMG that is awesome Mary. I don't know if I would have been able to last that long. I can't do anything that I would have to jump around.
  • Well its been about 16 hours for me now and I am not ready to rip anyone's face off yet. I have a good support system although I am not going to tell my family. I want to see if they really notice a difference in my character the first few days after quitting (a nice way to say that they figure I'll be *****y). I'm not…
  • Hey don't feel bad, it happens to all of us. My only suggestion is don't reward your good eating habits with bad ones. Give yourself a treat forsure, but change it in your head as just a treat because you need a treat. :drinker:
  • Hey Sharon, your on! What a fantastic idea. Thank you everyone so much for your replies. I'm going to do it this time. I am so tired of smelling all the time and popping mints, spending $13.00 a pack of smokes and feeling crappie everytime I do smoke! All the great info that was posted about what happens after 20 minutes,…
  • I'm guilty! :laugh: :laugh:
  • Don't do it! Got to the store and get some Skinny Cow ice cream bars or some frozen yogurt or something....anything but DQ. As for the hubby in a band and gone on tour leaving you alone with your baby.....I can sympathize and relate (kinda - a little). My only advice is if it is important to you both that he is in this…
    in Advice? Comment by charny164 April 2008
  • Everytime you go to sit down (in a chair on the couch whatever), get almost all the way down and slowly get back up - put your arms out in front of you for balance. If you do it a couple of times (ok more like 20x) here and there throughout the day you will see a vast improvement on your butt. Make sure you squeeze your…
  • I got some good advice from kitty1256 when I had the same problem.....and it totally worked. Keep it in mind the next time you don't feel like going: Sometimes I motivate myself in small steps. "....alright, i'm just going to put on my sweatpants and a t-shirt.... doesn't mean i'm going to the gym" "...well, i put my…
  • I know what I'm having for dinner! Thanks! This sounds fantastic
  • I just wanted to wish you good luck with the adoption. I know it can be difficult process but stay positive and it will all work out. It will be worth it too! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • I would like to quit and am very worried about weight gain. I have quit before (unsuccessfully of course) but would like to quit quitting and just stop. I have set my quit date for May 4th. Any tips from former and current quitters?
  • I have to disagree with this one. I was very obese and used the Atkins diet to lose weight. I did modify it a bit (I can't live without yogurt) and kept my carbs in around 40-50 per day. I also tracked calorie intake and made sure I had proper nutrition and exercised appropriately. I was able to lose 80 lbs in under a…
  • This is one I have to really think about..... I would say my eyes are my best physical feature. I have a very corny sense of humor (thanks Dad) and I make myself laugh even if no one else thinks I'm funny :wink: I have a love hate relationship with my belly. Its not a negative, just wait.... I had my kids very very VERY…
  • I have heard that you need to use cocoa butter cream on your skin (everywhere) while losing weight as it helps with the elasticity. Saggy skin just goes with the territory. Just fill the empty skin with muscles and you'll be fine. Don't be afraid of the unknown.
  • Congrats to you for not sticking the celery right up his nose! Not an expert on men by anymeans but being together with my hubby for a few years and having his friends around just tells me that sometimes when men (ok not only men but for this instance, men) don't always think before they talk. Its like it skips the brain…