

  • PROBLEM SOLVED... I finally found a gluten free protein drink that is plant based, has enzymes, probiotics and lots of gut calming herbs...I am back on track. My stomach inflammation has gone down tremendously, I have more energy that I ever thought possible. I feel amazing. I can't post the name of the company or product…
  • :flowerforyou: swt The important thing is that you are doing something! Don't feel bad about your fit test - mine was worse...but that's okay! It is just a place to start - that is all! Wait til we get to the week 2 fit test - I am anxious to see if I can do more than 2 push up jacks - it has only been 6 days since I…
  • The important thing is that you are doing something! Don't feel bad about your fit test - mine was worse...but that's okay! It is just a place to start - that is all! Wait til we get to the week 2 fit test - I am anxious to see if I can do more than 2 push up jacks - it has only been 6 days since I started and I actually…
  • YAY ME! I am on Day 6 of Insanity today and the scale dipped 5.6 lbs today. I have lost 2 1/2" off my waist...and I can't even complete the workouts yet. There is a lot of gasping and breaking during the workout - but I am pushing through it all. I have giant bruises on my calves just from the tearing down of those muscles…
  • We did okay this week so far. My husband is really having a time with the flexibility. He is 6'4" and 169 lbs (most of which is in his belly). We have laughed that the cardio recovery is nearly impossible because our bellies get in the way of the stretches. He is very inflexible, but he is giving it his best. I am…
  • I am not "sore" anywhere today after Cardio Recovery last night - however, I definately feel muscles that were worked. My gluts and quads are pretty heavy today and my shoulders are a bit stiff - but I expected that after last night. I am only in week 1 - so far so good. Tonite is PURE CARDIO - I am a little scared!!! But…
  • Hi Ya'll. I am a 45 year old, mother of 4 trying INsanity for the first time. I did about 6 weeks of P90x with good results - but then went on Vacation to Baja Pennisula - and blew it all. So we are trying this now - since there are no pull up bars or bands involved. My husband and son are 6'3" and hit there heads if they…
    in Welcome Comment by bwrunkle July 2012