

  • Who in their right mind stops after HALF of a reeses cup? I need to be your friend!
  • :happy: NO CANDY! Today will be a different story!
  • Other than finding an active hobby like hiking or biking or tennis that you could do together, there is no way to force her to take action. Yes, it stinks when your significant other doesn't value their health the same way you do, but all you can do is love them anyways and keep encouraging. By encouraging, I don't mean…
  • This was hard at first. My boyfriend eats and lives like a bachelor. Up until last week, he really didn't work out. We would take walks, and we recently picked up disc golf, but no gym, no running, etc. I found that this actually really helped to build my will power. I got used to being around junk food and not eating it.…
  • Zumba doesn't get boring, that is why it is such a great thing to do for your body. You can burn as much as you do running for an hour and not feel you just ran for an hour. I am an instructor and LOOOVVVEEE the energy. Hope you enjoy it!
    in Zumba?! Comment by hmanley66 August 2012
  • I work out with the Insanity DVDs because I only have 40 min in the morning, which means I don't have time to drive to the nearest trail and I got tired of running up and down my road. I go to the gym when I have time after work, and I do Zumba all the time. I think having the DVDs is a quick way to workout when I am in a…
  • I think it is much easier to keep weight off when you take the time to lose it safely. When you starve yourself you are not building a new lifestyle, you are dieting. You need to teach yourself maintainable habits in your weight loss or you will most likely gain it right back.
  • I started today too! Dang that chick in the movie is a machine! The day you beat her in everything is the day you are in rockin shape!