Need help convincing wife to join in weight loss/fitness



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    She rolls her eyes anytime I bring up how much I've lost ("Lost 2 pounds this week...", etc) She says that she wants to do something, but that's about as far as it goes.

    If she meant that, she would do something. She's saying it to appease you.

    Leave her alone.
  • BrazenHarpy
    BrazenHarpy Posts: 81 Member
    Count me in the "don't" group. I had this problem with my ex-husband. While I was busting my *kitten* working out, he was pigging out on fast food and reveling in his inactivity. I tried EVERY approach to motivate him, and only succeeded in creating more animosity in our relationship.

    I say lead by example. Lose weight, get healthy, and hopefully she'll eventually be motivated to do the same when she sees how well it worked out for you.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I tend to agree with the other posters, it has to be HER decision to do.
    Just keep on doing what you are doing, and hopefully she will jump on the wagon with you when she sees how well you are doing.

    On another point, I feel for you though that your efforts aren't being applauded by your wife. It would be very hard to be excited for your changes and the successes that come with same, and your wife only rolls her eyes, etc. Sounds like she has some issues she needs to work on first - but don't give up your goals over this. I do feel for you though - support in this journey is paramount.
  • hmanley66
    Other than finding an active hobby like hiking or biking or tennis that you could do together, there is no way to force her to take action. Yes, it stinks when your significant other doesn't value their health the same way you do, but all you can do is love them anyways and keep encouraging. By encouraging, I don't mean suggesting. She needs to know she is beautiful the way she is. If you need to express your concern, make it about health, not weight.
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    You have to do it for yourself and the same goes for her. But she doesn't need to be hostile to you.
  • RubyWare
    RubyWare Posts: 51 Member
    You can't make her do it, she will when she decides it's worth the effort. She sees what you're doing and either it will click or it won't.

    I would, however, have a heart to heart about the hostility you feel from her. You deserve her support whether she wants to join you in your effort or not.

    ^^^^^ agree
  • Avandel
    Avandel Posts: 283 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I can get my wife to join me on my weight loss and fitness lifestyle adjustment.


    It's like trying to get smokers to quit. If they want to, they'll do it. It's a personal journey people have to decide to take on their own. Like they say."You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink."

    Making someone lose weight or do something they really don't want to do is ill advised and just about impossible. Forget it, concentrate on yourself. If she decides she wants to do something, like really wants to do something. Then let her find her own way and take her own weight loss journey.

  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi all,
    Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I can get my wife to join me on my weight loss and fitness lifestyle adjustment.

    I started mine in May 2012, and I was hoping to lead by example and that she would join in once she started seeing my results. Unluckily, my loss and fitness lifestyle change has added animosity (hostility) towards me for doing something about my weight. She gets annoyed when I'm logging my food intake and my exercising. She rolls her eyes anytime I bring up how much I've lost ("Lost 2 pounds this week...", etc) She says that she wants to do something, but that's about as far as it goes.

    Any suggestions?

    Hell no - dont.... you would be opening Pandora's box by thinking you can convince her.

    You simply cant do that.... how would you like it if your wife pestered you, and you reacted to her the way she is reacting?

    People have to be ready on their own.

    If your wife is getting angry or hostile over your choosing to do this for yourself, then you need to sit with her and ask her "why are you getting mad over my wanting to lose weight for myself?".... She may not like the fact you keep mentioning your weight loss and take it as a personal attack against her and perhaps even one step further: it might come off as rubbing it in.

    She has to do it when she is ready - not when you think she is ready. Dont push this otherwise that couch (like others have mentioned) may become your bed as a way to teach a lesson about how you are approaching this.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Keep doing well and focusing on you, but don't fill her in on any details. When she's ready, she'll make the move.
  • Krys_140
    Krys_140 Posts: 648 Member
    Yeah, just don't do it.

    My guess is that every time you log, tell her how much you've lost, and generally focus on weight, she's taking that as some kind of "dig" at her. If she's already feeling bad about her weight, and you appear so focused on weight, then she probably thinks you're ripping on her lack of commitment to do better.

    Try not to make such a big show of it. Take it down a notch at home, and love on her as much as you can. Refrain from saying that you think she should lose weight too. That much is already obvious. Remind her how much you love her, just as she is.

    She'll get on board eventually, all on her own, and THAT is how you convince someone to lose weight. Just let them get there on their own.
  • angie1161
    Your wife just may not be ready yet, I have the same issues with my husband. My biggest downfall is when he eats something I really like and know I shouldn't have. I often cave in to this and my weight suffers for it. Whatever you do, don't rub in your successes. She will join you when she is ready to commit. I know that's not what you want to hear but I have to agree, it's like getting a smoker to quit before they are ready. Not Happening! Good luck on your health and fitness journey.
  • iconnor
    iconnor Posts: 90 Member
    I agree with everyone else, esp coming from the other side. When someone else is pushing you to lose weight/get healthy, it makes you feel lousy, like there's something wrong with you or that you are inadequate. And then you just get angry and pissed off with them. It's a lose-lose situation.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    Her decision. She'll get on board when she's ready, not because you're ready for her to jump on board.
    The more you rub it in her face (unintentional, I'm sure) about how much you've lost, the longer it will take
    her to joining you on YOUR journey.
  • adoreabella
    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to get her on board until she decides she wants it badly enough. I went through the same thing with my ex, I tried everything - cooked, bought him workout videos, etc....He just had no interest and it made me feel worse and worse that I couldn't get him on board. We ended up breaking up because losing weight gave me the confidence I needed to get out of a bad relationship and never look back.

    Keep doing what you are doing for yourself. It's great that you are so committed and you should be acknowledged for your accomplishments. It's not easy and every little bit counts. Take care of yourself and do what you need to do for yourself. If and when she is ready to get on board, she will :)
  • jfontanna
    jfontanna Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback, although it wasn't what I was hoping for... but I guess that's all part of the game of changing lifestyles.

    Good comments about not revealing my losses, I hadn't thought about what it may have been making her feel.
    I'll just keep on leading by example, and hope that she'll decide to join in someday.

    And I'll definitely have to chat with her about her trying to be more supportive, or at a minimum not poo-pooing my progress.
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    Calorie counting and food logging is not for everyone. Many of my friends go to weight watchers meetings or slimming world. I think they are a con when this site offers you the same support if not more for free but they all swear by it, and who am i to judge. Starting a weight loss journey when your over weight its very daunting as most here will know. She will do it when she is ready. In the mean time the better you do the more you will inspire her to take the 1st steps.

    You can lead a horse to water but, you cannot make it drink. Show her the tools and when she is ready she will use them :)
  • Magnamus
    Magnamus Posts: 66 Member
    I don't think there is any way to get her to exercise per say but I do believe you can help make the change.

    Be the best husband you can be to her.

    Pay her compliments frequently and appreciate every little things she does. Say thank you a lot.

    Tell her she's beautiful and encourage her to pretty herself. Make yourself as handsome as you can for her.

    Instead of trying to get her to workout; get her going on a walk with you or out somewhere and both dress up a little.

    Continue your active lifestyle with discipline, this will make it look easy but never endorse your workouts to her. Her exercises are different and she needs to find them herself. Plus if you rant about your workouts she might feel worse about herself and you'll undo your progress.

    I'm no expert but that my best shot at tips for you.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    There is no way you can convince her, and if anything trying to do so will just irritate her further.

    The most I would do, if anything at all, is sit down and tell her that you really want her to join you on this life style change and you'll do whatever you can to help her if she chooses to do so.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    The best thing you can do is to continue with what you are doing for yourself, setting an example WITHOUT being showy about it. No "see, honey, I can do it and you could too" or anything.

    Offer to share some of whatever healthy food you are eating, or make a meal for the two of you that is healthy that she will like. Again, NOT saying, "Why don't I make us a nice healthy meal so you can see how nice it is." Something like, "I want to make dinner tonight, so you can put your feet up and relax. You deserve a break," would be better.

    If you keep telling her she should join you, no good will come of that.
  • dirtydmvkid
    When she sees other women taking notice of you, chances are she will get jealous. Jealousy is a mean motivator.
    Just my thoughts on the matter.