rdk85 Member


  • It's basically fasting (generally only drinking water) for some period of time, intermittently. When I did it, I ate regularly one day, then when I woke up the next day I would only drink water throughout the day. I wouldn't eat again until I woke up the next day. It was essentially a 36 hour fast every other day. Some…
    in Plateau? Comment by rdk85 May 2012
  • I plateaued around 196 for a long time. I was able to break it by closely monitoring my food intake (I think I was just eating too much, even without carbs). But now I'm plateaued around 192. IF has worked for me in the past, it should help some. I am going to start the couch to 5k program next week, hoping that it will…
    in Plateau? Comment by rdk85 May 2012
  • Ron Swanson is r/keto's hero.
  • Name: Robert Reddit Username: lexfor Male/26 Where ya from?: Richland, Wa