

  • you look awesome ...keep going :) also look younger...i have lost a total of over 100 lbs an sure wish i would have known about this site when i was struggling to lose it ...
  • congrats on the engagement :) an i could sure use some almost daily motivation an being accountable an since i am new to the site i dont have but a couple of friends an i would definately call you on slipping up so your great day you will look just the way you want :) so please add me if you like :)
  • im in the same boat want to lose 10 lbs so i can be 130...but it seems that once you start to eat anything more than you have been when losing the weight you start to gain it back again even when you are working i know i sure dont want to have to eat 1200 calories the rest of my life..there has to be a way to stay…
  • I can totally relate to that before my 20 yr old daughter was born i lost over 100lbs by starving myself from it i got a heart murmur..but to me it was worth it at the time i wanted more than anything to be a normal size..then when i got pregnant with my son now almost 16 i delivered at 220 then i went up to 250…
  • thank you for the info i didnt know that :)