missartthang Member


  • Heyyyyy back on MFP after a long PCOS journey...Thirty-something art teacher who loves her boston terrier alot. Making my health a priority more than ever. Seeking to/for support "cysters" ;)
  • I try not to obsess over the scale. In fact, I don't even own one! I pay attention to how my clothes are fitting and have a "goal" shirt or a "goal" pair of pants...every month or so I try them on...I'm working out more than ever in my LIFE so things are changing...i also have to remind myself that this is not a "quick…
    in advice Comment by missartthang June 2012
  • Hey Sound! I'm in the same boat as you--life change is the key. have a good day, Leah
  • Hi Judy! I just joined the other day and really enjoy the positivity in this group-what kinds of things do you like to do for exercise? Leah
  • Hey Laurie! Thanks for asking :) Good day yesterday. Made myself go to the park although my car repairs had me feeling down and sluggish-my workouts always change my outlooks, I've noticed. So these days when I'm feeling down, I just start MOVING! :) Heading to Zumba this afternoon=guaranteed party and lots of calories…
  • What's the basis of the Dukan Diet?
  • That's why we're all here! You took a huge step starting this group=and look at all of us who are so glad you did! Have an awesome day!
  • That's awesome! I try to speak about PCOS whenever I can because you're right--many women don't even know they have it and that it can have severe effects on the body. I'm trying to get healthy so that I can have a baby on my terms when I'm ready. I'm not ready just yet, but I'm working to get my physical health in shape…
  • Frances, I joined this group for several reasons, but one was because I read that you struggle with PCOS and its symptoms. I also have PCOS and have been battling my weight and dealing with symptoms for 10+years. Thank you for sharing and helping me to feel like I'm not alone! Leah
  • Hey everyone! My name is Leah and I'm hoping to find and give some much needed support in our journey to healthy acceptance of ourselves-no matter what size! Thanks so much for starting this group- I've been heavy all my life and have gone up and down the scale. I don't like to weigh myself as I get fixated on the number…