patmonroern Member


  • I live near Hamel on 55. I work out at the club fitness in O'Fallon in the mornings except Tuesday and Thursday. Looking for someone to lift free weights with. I am a beginner. Anyone want to join me?
  • I too sit for my job but it is mostly in the car between patients. What I do when I get home depends on if the kids are with me that week. (we do an every other week custody thing) I haven't started at a club or anything yet cause of finances but really need motivation to DO SOMETHING after work.
  • I am in Edwardsville and work in the counties surrounding St Clair. I do home health nursing so I am in my car all day. I would love to talk with anyone in the area that wants to help motivate each other. I need someone to "answer to" so I will do the exercise I am supposed to. LOL
  • I am living in Edwardsville at the moment, well for the next few years till my youngest gets out of high school. She is 11 now in 6th grade. I am searching for someone local that wants to walk or join the ymca so I have someone to "answer to." Sometimes self motivation is really hard for me, but I know I could feel so much…