

  • Thanks....will keep doing them:flowerforyou:
    in Hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • Hey, How did you get that ticker up and running having problems getting it on there thanks
    in Hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • test
    in hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • <a href=""><img border="0" src="" /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Easy <a href="">Calorie Counting</a></small></p>
    in hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • So the sit ups I've been doing and the legs lifts are worthless??? I will still do them even though along with eating healthy....Thanks for your feed back. Regards C
    in Hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • Hi Everyone I'm Chooey.....I posted some question before I introduced myself sorry if I didn't follow procedure. I'm 47 and would love to lose my mid section I had 2 kids by C-section and have had my belly opened up 4 other times. I was told that I would never be able to have a flat stomach being that my muscels have been…
    in Hello Comment by chooey May 2009
  • Alright so my next question would be, I have had two children by C-section and my belly has been openend up 4 other times...I was told that the muscels in my belly would never be the same and would never be able to have a flat stomach is this true? I would really like to get rid of the c-section rolls not that there is…
    in 40+ Club Comment by chooey May 2009
  • Good Morninng everyone....Happy Tuesday!! I'm Carol and just joined the club for fitness, thus far having only begun yesterday I feel great....I do have a question though what is the ideal pulse you should have during the work-out???? Thanks
    in 40+ Club Comment by chooey May 2009