chatterboxpa Member


  • I've found ways to work Subway in for me!! When I go out anywhere (fast food or not) I spend at least 20 minutes beforehand online researching what I am going to eat and how I am going to work it in to my day. I think totally eliminating anything from your diet is a quick recipe for failure! This is a lifestyle for me for…
  • Hi everyone - I joined this challenge because I have hit somewhat of a plateau and need a boost to get past it. I started in January and am down almost 40 pounds with another 110 to go. My goal will be 9.6 pounds lost in July.
  • I needed a smaller size after about 30-35 pounds but it seemed like I was almost instantly finding those "new" ones WAY too loose!! I haven't really had to buy anything either as I have a wide range of sizes to refill the closet with as I shrink! :-)
  • Please God do not succumb to the shirtless picture in the mirror!!! Only thing worse is the duck face!! Patience - your response will draw the RIGHT one when it's time. LOL Who am I to preach this? I want it NOW!
  • What I've done is take in as much information as you can and do what makes sense and works for you!! Regardless of everything you hear, if it sounds like a quick fix and a dream come true, it is probably something that is really going to disappoint you in the end. I've managed to drop almost 40 pounds so far since January…
  • Let me just say - you do NOT need to buy these shakes to accomplish the same results. Many of my friends have taken up the Body by Vi challenge and let me say that in my own personal 90 day challenge I have lost more weight and inches than ANYONE I know on Body by Vi and I have done it the healthy way by eating (yes…