The highest I have seen the scale is 291 lbs. I weighed 130 lbs 11 years ago. Ouch. I finally decided it was time to get my stuff together as I am getting married next July. I taught myself how to eat right and then started walking and then added extra stuff. Now I workout daily and take a day off. I do circuit training…
Austin, TX here! Born and raised. I also work for Texas Parks and Wildlife and fun ways to drop the pounds without realizing it, is to get out to your nearest state parks and join in on activities and hiking! :-) Check out the Texas Outdoor Family Program. The program teaches you how to camp and provides most of the…
That is amazing! I am very happy for you. Keep up the great work!
I see the difference. Awesome job and keep up the great work!
sometimes I walk in the morning, I do circuit training during my lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I hit the gym for some cardio in the evenings. Before I started Circuit training I always worked out with weights and cardio between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. You are not the only one. I think a lot of people do it in the evenings.…
From what I have read, yes. I wish it was the first to go in my case.