reggaelove0503 Member


  • hi i so wanna do this but how do i add the information i am not really seeing the spreadsheet to do this
  • That would be great and it will help us both stay on track with our goals i know that it helps me out tremendously just knowing that hey if they can do it so can i and then the fact that i want to get healthier so i can actually be the big sister to do things with my little brother and sisters without giving out of breath
  • thanks guys i needed this support this week has been hard on me because i had 13 seizures from last thursday to last sunday and i havent been able to do much except stay on track with my food plan but i am looking forward to hopefully gettin a doc release to go back this week
  • Thanks Serina
  • Thanks Katie im looking forward to getting to know you and gaining a new buddy
  • i so know how you feel i started in a gym back in april onspring break sitting at home being bored but i actually started a diet plan in january i am a medical assistant student at virginia college and decided that wheni got on our scale in class and weighed in at 298 that was it i was getting it off some how so i went on…
  • yes i have none on here i havent completely figured out this whole site but i put my info in every day how are you