

  • I am training for my 1st marathon coming up in October and I have been fueling while running with Fig Newtons. I wrap two in a piece of foil togther and put several of those in my belt - usually have them every hour to hour and 15 minutes. Works great for me as the gu's, gels, etc... are not easy on my stomach. Someone…
  • I am like you in that I need at least one (sometimes two) cup(s) of coffee a day and the rest of my liquids consumed are 100% water. I use the flavored creamers you get at the supermarket such as International Delight or Bailey's - these are usually about 35 calories per tablespoon and to me these are sweet enough that I…
  • I agree with everyone that says to lay out your clothes the night before - including sneakers, fully charged GPS watch and Ipod, etc... If I'm having a bagel or toast pre-run I even set out what I'll need to make that in the kitchen. The less I have to think about the better chance I will make it out the door!! Most things…
  • Cindyc - not starting the IVF process until March but I have the same concerns about weight and the meds. Good luck!!!
  • I would say 25% of my water consumption comes from Crystal Light!! I normally drink plain water during the day at work and then have Crystal Light with dinner and before bed. I use way more water for a single packet then they say to though - otherwise the flavor is too strong for me....and you drink even more water that…