

  • So...I don't want to get down on personal tastes in the case of reading, but to those of you who HAVE read the books, like them all you want, just please, for the love of god, do not say they are well written and GOOD literature. They are atrocious. I was not interested in paying money toward such a pathetic excuse for a…
  • Not a huge fan of soy milk, but I LOVE almond milk. I might have to go pick this up sometime and try it. I have been looking into good vegan options, since I am working on going vegan right now. I was pretty much vegetarian before and rarely eat eggs, fish and never drink milk. Cheese is honestly the only difficult thing…
  • Grew up in Milwaukee, WI, moved to Sydney, Australia (I have a duel citizenship now) and only recently moved back to the US. Currently living in Columbus, OH. :)