

  • Love this idea!! If you get tired of posting them, let me know-- I'm up for creating a few challenges!
  • I'm with you guys, the weekends are killer. My husband is a bad influence (think "Are you suuuuure you don't want to go get pancakes??"). But, he's on a business trip at the moment so I'm back on track! I'm not sure if I've actually lost weight or if that's just part of the normal fluctuation I see in my weight during the…
  • I'm not sure, I have the same exact problem. Then I wonder if I haven't been losing weight all along because I've been eating too few calories. I'm going to try to get closer by adding some good fats in (avocado, walnuts, almonds, peanut butter).
  • In NY they have to put the calorie info on the menu. It's a blessing and a curse.