candygirl13000 Member


  • I know how you feel!! I also have thyroid problems. Last year, I was doing everything right...walking, eating right and still wasn't losing. I did give up and by the beginning of this year, I was heavier than I have ever been. Please don't throw in the took you years and years to gain the weight, it may take a…
  • I have 250lbs to lose. I would love to be your friend! This time around, I have decided to make small goals rather than look at the big picture. Instead of saying I need to lose 250lbs and not being able to see a light at the end of the tunnel, my goal right now is to lose 50lbs by Halloween. I've lost 43, so I'm almost…
  • Hello! I changed my diet to lean protein, lots of vegetables, and cut out the junk. I walk 3-5 times a week...not sure how far. I have a Fitbit and my goal is 6000 steps a day. I have lost 43lbs so far. Yes, I think just walking and eating healthy does work!! Good luck!!
  • Hi Nathan! I am also working on small goals to achieve my ultimate goal. It is really working for feels more attainable to lose 50lbs by Halloween than saying I have to lose 200lbs! Baby steps! It took me 37 years to get to where I am...I am not going to lose 200lbs overnight!
  • I've been on for 69 days and am really excited that I am keeping up with it! Great job on the 100 days and the 48lb loss!!
  • I know how you feel! I have 200lbs to lose and my doctor suggested bariatric surgery. I don't want to do it. I feel like its the easy way out. I also know a number of people who have had it done and they've had lots of trouble. My problem is overeating. When I eat something I love, I can't stop. For the past 2 years, I…