

  • Travel to Ireland! One of my dreams :) I'll just keep dreaming, haha.
  • Yes, I'll eat something small like an apple or a banana. Just enough to feel satisfied throughout the workout :) Without a bite of something before I workout, I get too dizzy.
  • Hi :) I am also fairly new on here, and can use all the help and support I can get! Losing the weight is about getting healthy and maintaining a healthy lifestyle- so important! Good luck to all on their journeys! -Molly
  • Hello! I'm 23 and just started using My Fitness Pal about a month ago. I also have another 10-12 pounds to go, and I agree with you: it's hard to stay motivated! I'd love to swap nutrition tips and such to keep eachother on the right track. We are so close to our goals :) -Molly