

  • Welcome, I find how quickly I will make a better choice in food when I are logging in meals.There are so many better choices that are lower in calorie. Good luck! I know you will do great.
  • you can add me! you are going to do great! This program really lets you be in control,all food groups are available to you. logging your meals really makes you think twice in what you choose to fuel your body with. Here's to you!:smile:
  • I am so proud of you. it takes alot of courage to just start, This program will help you be more aware of calorie consumption. i love black olives and was shocked to realize snacking on them can be any where from 125 to 250 calories. knowing that helps me make a better choice. You will do great!
  • I am so proud of you! You are going to do great!:smile:
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