

  • My sister had a gastric bypass 12 years ago. The surgery went very well and she was feeling good and losing weight but 4 months later she had to have emergency surgery due to a blockage and we could have lost her. she did recuperate and did eventually lose about 120 lbs. she has managed to maintain her weight within about…
  • Some of my favourites that i dont believe have been named yet taxi the practice moonlighting ally mcbeal american dreams prime suspect - british version
  • Victoria, BC!
  • I am exactly the same. I have finally realized that I am a true sugarholic and cannot have even a little bit. I have been sugar free for 3 or 4 weeks now. It was tough at first, but last night we had a family birthday and I was able to pass up the chocolate birthday cake (which is my favorite dessert of all time). I knew…
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