dellrio Member


  • Yep - out of college I lived with my parents for a grand total of 5 weeks - that was how long it took me to find a job. During that 5 weeks I went to a temp agency and picked up a job (started 1 day after I interviewed there) driving a forklift for the night shift at a recycling plant - literally moving peoples trash…
  • Haha - I think she pretty much wins the argument with that one.
  • I do not know what is the driving force behind you ideals - religion, your family, you grew up in a small town and are still stuck in the 1950's, or whatever - but honestly you need to realize that what you think is ideal is not necessarily ideal or right for anyone else. I feel so much less stressed or emotionally drained…
  • 1 - Dating in High School is nothing like dating in college, or post college, or later. As you age things change how you could possibly compare a date when you are 16 to a date when you are 26 is beyond my comprehension - just goes to show that while most people mature and grow up - you probably did not. 2 - There is…
  • The point is what works for your boring life works for you. I am not talking about the club scene nor the dating scene - I am talking about the ME scene and doing what I want when I want with no repercussions or opposition. I want to snowboard - I snowboard, I want to go to a concert, I go - I want to buy a new car, I do…
  • Hope you enjoyed Greys Anatomy last night while I was out partying with awesome good looking fun and exciting people! The best single times of my life happened beyond 25 - you missed out buddy.
  • ^^^ Yep. I went through college had lots of fun, after college all of my friends have kids, marriages, and many are divorced and miserable. I am turning 30 in 7 months and I have never been having so much fun in all my life - I see all my friends sitting home with their SigOther and watching television and letting…
  • One more thing - many (not all) of the "good men" are typically going to be the ones who are more shy, and more nervous to approach a woman - so perhaps you need to be more aggressive in your dating and actually go after a man rather than sitting around waiting for them to find you.
  • ^^ What she said! If your sole goal in life is to get married then perhaps you need to expand you pool of acceptable candidates. I am 29 and have been in several long term live-in type relationships at this point in my life, and I am extremely happy I have never been married. Each one of those 3+ year relationships ( I…
  • I am Single - and have every intention of staying that way.
  • I do love and have always loved veggies - fresh or frozen, don't care much for canned ones. 5 Years ago I stopped eating meat which prompted me to increase my veggie intake - after 5 years they just get better and better, and the more you eat them and cook with them the more you appreciate the natural flavors.
  • I prefer smaller ones - they typically come with a hot body and sexy legs. Most guys are not going to care how big they are, especially if you are good looking and fun to be around.
  • I'm confused is this in September or November? Title says Sept, comments say Nov. If its November I would be more interested as I prefer it to be very cold. Is there a website for this race? Thanks!
  • Lifelong Hawkeye fan but ISU Grad - I like both teams but always choose Iowa when they play Iowa State.
  • I am from the Great (flat) state of Iowa. Have lived here most of my life. I am a snowboard instructor at Seven Oaks in Boone, IA - I began the Des Moines Rail Jam - urban snowboard competition in 2008, and ran it in 2009 - then passed over the event to the Des Moines Winter Games festival. This upcoming year will be my…
  • Incredible transformation - your hard work really paid off - you look amazing
  • Welcome to MFP! If you set your goal, keep your expectations reasonable, and stay within your caloric requirements each day there is no better way to loose weight. I figured it would take me a year or so to reach my goals, but I am on track to do it in about half the time. Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends!
  • I work at a ski area on the weekends and was the Terrain Park manager and have been for several years. This last winter the conditions were so terrible I lost all motivation to work on the Terrain park knowing that every feature that I built would be completely worthless within an hour. The average temp was in the 40's and…
  • Already have been watching my videos, practicing in the foam pit, and riding my freebord. I sure hope we get more snow this season though. I live in IA and last year we got a grand total of 4 inches where I live. A typical winter is several feet over the winter. No more man made snow please!
  • My primary vehicle in the summer is my 2012 Harley Iron 883 which replaced my 1980 Yamaha XS400 For winter and rainy days I have a 2012 PriusC which replaced my 2010 Prius.
  • There are not too many people who are actually active in the Iowa group so sometimes it takes quite a while to get a response. I can not provide much advice as I attended a different college and was in a different field, but I will say best of luck, Iowa is a great school and going to school to become a teacher is a very…
  • Welcome to the site - it is fantastic and makes fitness management an afterthought. Log what you eat, stay in your goal - loose weight! Congrats on your progress too!
  • Are you looking for other recipes using chicken - or other ideas all together? I am vegetarian so I do not eat any chicken but some ideas that came to mind: Chicken Tacos or ground turkey tacos - if you have never had - try them, its better tasting than beef. Grilled Chicken burger - so many options going this route.…
    in HELP!!!!! Comment by dellrio July 2012
  • Not sure what the brand was - but it was in a clear glass container - you could see the stones, and had a black screw on lid. Stones looked like white ceramic-ish and the syrup color was different for different flavors.
  • I may have to give them a try then. I saw them in a shop and they were $35 for a container, and the non-tobacco herbal blend stuff was only $7 so i bought that, after it was gone I immediately went back to the star buzz stuff. I already have the vortex bowl which is required for usage of the stones - but I have also been…
  • I have been curious about this myself. I get my hookah out a couple times a month. The stones are way more expensive. I really like the feeling from tobacco based shisha that I do not get with the herbal blended shisha. I was wondering if the stones actually give you a buzz too or if its just about smoke and flavor?
  • I am experiencing this as well. I never want to work out anymore and my eating has been getting worse. I combat this lack of motivation by doing fun things I want to do to work out. My favorite is going to SkyZone - the trampoline park, I have a blast and you can burn 1000 calories per hour. For food, my garden is…
  • I make a smoothie using a slim fast shake, and it makes me feel very full. I only drink them after workouts really to pump me full of nutrients and cool me down - but they pretty much satisfy my hunger for the rest of the evening. 1 French Vanilla Slim Fast Shake 1 Banana 6 Strawberries 1 scoop of whey protein about 1/3…
    in Slim Fast? Comment by dellrio July 2012
  • Probably just bored - I would be after 5 years... Change things up, find something exciting to do together (in the bedroom or not), it may help.
  • Mine do that as well - its not really painful just uncomfortable and annoying. Some exercises I will modify them to avoid the popping, the other thing you can do is figure out what you can do to take your mind off of it, I found what works for me.