
  • There is food everywhere you go on the ship, however, I found that I do much better if I avoid the buffet lines, and go to a sit down meal each time and order from a menu. I had plenty of food that I wanted but didn't order more than i needed. They have a great gym that you can use. And just walking around the ship all day…
  • I love them sauteed with onions over hamburger or on baked potatoes. They are also good in a pita pocket with cucumber, ground chicken burger and light dressing, or on a sandwich like subway makes.
  • I have knee problems and my doctor told me to take it daily.
  • will be praying for you.
  • Farmington. Go Hogs
  • If you are where you can, when you get upset go outside and take a walk, ride a bike or just stroll and get some fresh air. If you have a friend that you can get with to walk or other exercise that you enjoy it will help work some of the frustration out plus you will get some exercise. You will always feel better afterward…
  • I have a bad knee and have to use the bike every day. I don't like it nearly as well as a treadmill or elipitcal, but it is sure better than none at all. A bike outdoors is better if you can ride without having to stand up to go up a hill. take care of it/ you sure don't want to mess it up permanently.
  • It helps to motivate just to see yourself staying below your calorie limit each day and then for a whole week. Key is to be honest with what you eat and on a bad day know that tomorrow you have a chance to meet your goal. And if you eat too much, then go exercise it off. Good Luck.
  • I have a bad knee also, waiting untill the doctors think I am old enough to get a knee replacement. I use the recumbent bike almost every day, it is the only thing the doctor wants me to exercise on. I don't feel it gives me the same amt of exercise as other types of equipment, but it doesn't make my knee hurt as all the…
  • You just have to watch the portion size you eat. The problem I have is that I always eat way to much
  • Good luck cassie, I know you can do it. If you can find someone locally to do it with you and maybe even get more exercise such as going for a walk with a friend several times a week - outside of going to the gym it will be easier. Seems if I keep myself busy I don't miss the food as much.