

  • Hi there! Welcome (although being part of this club is a rather dubious distinction!). I'm afraid my problem might be genetic as well. After I found out my count, my father chimed in on how he's been on anti-cholesterol meds for a few years. Thanks, Dad! I'm going back for another test in May and we'll decide if I need…
  • No one's written here for a while so I'll start. Is anyone up for a recipe exchange? I got into this whole high-numbers mess from my habit of baking on the weekends to have treats throughout the week. I'd still like to continue this tradition, but I'll need recipes with no eggs (or only egg whites) and no butter. Trying to…
  • Mmmm. Cinnamon. I'm on it, thanks! Count me in on this group. I found out last week that I have a total count of "7" by Australian terms but that comes out to 271 on the American standard. I was a bit lower at the last test two years ago when I was still a vegetarian but I don't eat THAT much red meat. I'm blaming Julia…