would you share the Morrocan Chcik Pea recipe please? I already know I will love it! Thanks
unsweetened blue diamond vanilla 40 calories for a cup and makes cereal and smoothies very tasty
roasted chickpeas are the best....i saw that someone posted this already so I won't again...but try differnt spices...I love Indian food so cumin, curry, tumeric...anything that you can think of....they are so nice and crunchy - great for that need to chew! If you put them in an air tight Tupperware like container they…
They are do need to rinse them...I have put them in soup which is wonderful....makes a great filler and no calories! I have only tried the thin spaghetti kind . I have not used them as spaghetti which is the obvious use but will.....don't let them scare you.....go to Hungry Girl and check out the…
I personally believe I am addicited to sugar and there are so many foods it is added to that you would never suspect. I haven't listened to the youtube mentioned but will. I would love for someone to tell me it is baloney but for me the sweetness of one bite makes me want a million more and generally they are not the '…