Weight 157lbs - 2lbs gone this week Waist 34 - just slightly over but as good as.:wink:
Weight now 159lbs and waist 35 inches - whittling down slowly:happy:
Weight: 160lbs Waist: : Just a little over 35inches - getting there slowly:wink:
Bio Oil is really exellent. I've used it for years through my pregnancies and ever since and at 48 i have very few stretch marks. If you have stretch marks it's very good at helping them to fade - smells nice to. Good luck :wink:
Weight: 161lbs Waist: no change :sad: Feel tons fitter though - much more energy:happy:
Don't know why my weight is showing as 6lbs lost - I've only lost 3lbs in total. I was 165lbs to begin with, lost 2lbs wk 1 and only 1lb this week. What on earth have i done to the thing! :frown:
Weight: 162lbs Waist: 36inches Quite disappointed to lose only 1lb this week and nothing on my waist. Thought i'd kept a good eye on my calories and i did plenty of exercise. Oh well:sad:
I've done exactly the same thing today. I only had an extra 2 ginger biscuits and a very small piece of cake and whoosh - 318 cals in the red! You and I will sort ourselves out tomorrow - good luck x
Great work on the spreadsheet:smile: It was really cool seeing everyone's results for the week all in one place. I found it pretty motivational!
Welcome. I'm pretty new as well - a week. Love to have you as a friend for motivation and support. I'd love to start running again but i need to lose at least 14lbs first or i'll wreck my knees. I'm just taking my time walking everyday and doing some exercises. Feel so much better already:happy:
11/4/2012 Waist - 36 inches Weight - 165
Don't be discouraged. Your body is probably just trying to figure stuff out. Focus on how much healthier and physically fitter your becoming. Don't place to much emphasise on just a couple of pounds - good luck
Thank you very much - i've got it now :smile:
Thanks for letting me join. I've just begun the 3 week cardio kick start and i'm really enjoying it. My stats are: Waist - 37 inches Weight - 168lbs
Oh no! Just realised the date April 2. Never mind i'll join in next time - silly me : (
Would love to be part of this. It sounds like fun and the fact that a group of us would be doing it together would be really motivational for me as i'm just beginning my fitness journey : )
I know how you feel. I'm sitting here and i'm starving even though i've eaten well today. I hope that as i get fitter and the weight starts to come off that my body's metabolism will adjust and the hunger pangs will get less. Right now i'm like you and squeezing a bit more exercise in to compensate. I'm having 2 glasses of…