

  • I bought one of those fitbit things about three weeks ago. I seem to get a bit more than 8 hours of sleep a night, but I also seem to spend quite a bit of time moving around. My "sleep efficiency" doesn't climb much higher than about 90% unless I stay up really late and just crash.
  • I'm a little worried that so many people seem to know what your contractual obligations are regarding a verbal statement of marital intent. Should I ever have cause to give someone else an engagement ring, I'm going to call a lawyer first.
  • Me to, I need to lose about another 60 LBS or so, feel free to add me, I love reading posts.
  • I don't remember being particularly unhappy in high school, but I don't remember being particularly happy either. I left home the day after graduation and went off to find the world. I went back for my 10 year reunion and realized that many of my classmates had not changed in that decade and how strange I must have been to…
  • I figure that day-to-day, it doesn't make all that much difference. You burn a lot of calories some days and your metabolism just doesn't keep up. I'd look at how calories and exercise balance out over a longer period of time and see how big the deficit is then.