

  • Speaking of which on a Krav episode of "Human Weapon" one of the hosts an MMA fighter was told by his teacher -- "you're a very good ring fighter but you know nothing about self-defense."
  • Another thing to keep in mind is unlike other physical activities MA ideally requires and lots and lots of time. Sure one can practice MA as just another hobby but to get the most out of the arts it should be a lifestyle that requires hours of practice. For example between class today and my own practice I put in almost…
  • For those worried about costs and physical limitations teachers in the system below covers both. On the health and fighting spectrum it's somewhere in the middle. On the Yin and Yang spectrum also somewhere in the middle but since the arts in the system are internal the training becomes more yin...all arts ultimately…
  • The link below is a good summary of many martial arts schools. After my experiences with the schools described in the video -- and worst -- I was lucky to find teachers who are really skilled in their arts which are legitimate systems with a real martial lineage. Need to do…
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