

  • Your telling me to eat more? What!!!! I will try it out but if it backfires I will be very angry! Also more strength training it is........
    in I'm Mad Comment by A318 May 2012
  • I will mix it up more. My problem is that i am expecting to have the same results like last time when i lost weight fast i need to be more patient, And yes i think i did loose alot of muscle last time.
    in I'm Mad Comment by A318 May 2012
  • Picture is 3 days old.
    in I'm Mad Comment by A318 May 2012
  • I am 5'9 most of my weight went to my stomach my face miss out on the fat. I don't like weights always been a runner but i have incorporated some muscle training into my routine.
    in I'm Mad Comment by A318 May 2012