milagros00 Member


  • This is the great experiment! During the last two days I have experimented with just how much I COULD eat and not have the scale move the next day. This is a dangerous game, I know. The trouble is, I am so afraid that if I start to eat normal portions, I will all this space to fill up with my MISSING MY SON. Well the key…
  • What exactly is a "normal" portion? To me a normal portion is just enough to make you "almost" full. Some times it will be smaller or bigger. In other words. I have to stop eating as soon as I start to feel full. This may mean not eating everything on my plate, even though it had "normal" portions. This will be a…
  • Well I got through Mother's Day. Or did I really? I forgot to call my own mother! :embarassed:
  • Well I thought of myself, husband and daughter yesterday. I feel like we were all left behind and now must make a life for ourselves. We are striving towards a "new normal". After the death of my son, I lost a new friend. She no longer looks at me and does not want to talk to me. This, I did not expect. Guess it is also…
  • Stay strong Lady Persia. I am proud of you for starting small and "doable". Success only breeds more success.:smile:
  • Went to Zumba last night and had a great, "normal" time! I will go again to a longer and bigger class tonight. My husband said something to me yesterday that made me see how important it is to continue with the fitness routine, even though I may feel too "sad" to do so. You see, since our son died, we have both gained…
  • Sorry Kim. The friend request was great, but I see that it brings to much clutter to my site.
  • Daily I feel my grief over the loss of my son. I miss him so much. Especially when I cook. I cook most of the meals of the day and my son loved to eat my cooking and even asked for requests. My husband will eat anything I cook and my daughter, who is 24, eats what she likes and feels that my cooking is too "healthy". I…
  • Zumba, Zumba, Zumba?. My grief seems to just go during Zumba Class. How I love to move! I can even see my son in my minds eye laughing along with me during class. I can be happy, joyous and feel great after this intense workout. Today I look forward to my Zumba Class this evening.
  • Yes, how AM I? I have no idea how I am. I am eating to squash all of the grief. What would it look like, feel like or be like, if I started to eat normally, freed myself from the weight and actually FELT all of grief? I have no idea yet. Today is Sunday. I will try to eat normally today and see how it goes. Milagros…
  • Not so good starting out. Ate so much I GAINED 2 pounds. Trying to stuff down my grief I guess. All so new to me. Hard loosing my son. Love you forever my most precious baby boy. Milagros :cry: Raleigh, NC
  • I have gained weight and can not seem to stop eating. I am 54 years old, feel tired all the time, my body hurts and I do not move as well as I would like. My son died earlier this year. He was only 20 years old. After he died, I turned almost immediately to food. Today is May 1st. I have hope and want my health back. I do…
  • I have gained weight and can not seem to stop eating. I am 54 years old, feel tired all the time, my body hurts and I do not move as well as I would like. My son died earlier this year. He was only 20 years old. After he died, I turned almost immediately to food. Today is May 1st. I have hope and want my health back. I do…
  • I am SO in! Anything to start over, AGAIN! Maybe this time it will stick!
  • Hey Jessie, I have the same issue. My problem is that I started to gain weight after age 50 with eating the same amount of food I had in the past. Exercise is not an issue. I am in the gym and love cycle and Zumba. I even do a little weight lifting now and again, but know this has to be on a more consistent basis. Now that…
  • Had a great day yesterday.I have to keep busy. That is the key. :flowerforyou:
  • Start of day one. I pray that I am able to go through the day a winner. I feel that deep inside I do not truly believe that I can do this. I need to obtain a positive attitude along with confidence. OK here goes! I CAN DO THIS! I WILL DO THIS! I AM A WINNER! :heart: :heart:
  • This is my first time on a thread. I am 52 and hope to finally free myself from 25 pounds of baggage. Well here goes! 1. Exercise 5x a week for at least 60 minutes. 2. Keep food diary.
  • Last month I gave up sugar. No cake, cookies, ice cream, donuts, candy, well you get the point. I started while on vacation in Texas. The change in routine made it surprisingly easier. I was not expecting much and did not do it to loose weight, but I have found an enormous benefit was gained. I no longer feel bound and…
  • I was told to weigh myself every week. I was also told not to weigh myself at all and focus on the food only. However, here I am again, trying to free myself from excess weight. I have decided that I am am going to weigh myself everyday.