GR1966 Member


  • Who doesn't LOVE bacon....but if its protein you want, then go for fat free yogurt and tuna...not together of course. Yogurt and Tuna are both amazing sources of proten and very low in fat.
  • Sam Adams light is to me the best tasting light beer but not the lowest calorie light beer. My preference is to have a few full bodied "real" beers rather than knock back a bunch of crap beers. Quality over quanity for me. Some of my favorite beers are Sam Adams, Sierra Navada Pale Ale and Porter, Guiness, Corona, Yazoo…
  • I like using Almond Milk in my All Bran Bran Buds. I use 1/2 cup and it's only 20 calories and the cereal is only 70 calories for a 1/3 cup. I like the Bran Buds because it gives you 51% of you recommended daily fiber but it not the tastiest food choice. Other times I'll just have a Chobani Greek Yogurt @ 140 calories. My…