ManduhPanda Member


  • I'm bad at posture too! This is a great idea.
  • Today is my rest day from GFit (, but I will be walking 20 mins at lunch and stretching out my sooooore muscles this evening. Tracking my exercise on MFP is hard because of what I do... does anyone have recommendations for a heart monitor or something to track calories burned during my workouts?…
  • Stats: Amanda W. Weighed in this morning: 164.5lbs 5'4.5" 26 (27 next week!) Goals: Lose 1lb per week, ending May at 160lbs Attend GFit class 4x a week, giving it my all each time Take 20 mins walk at lunch 3x a week Do a pushup challenge Let's kick butt this month!
  • Hi! I'm Amanda, soon to be 27 and, of course, the heaviest I've ever been. I used to run (ran a few 5k's and a half marathon in 2011) and I would like to get back out there. Currently, I attend a woman's fitness class that is similar to CrossFit and I LOVE it. My goal for the next 51 days is to get my eating under control:…