redzz16 Member


  • Hi everyone! I'm new to this group. I need to lose 100 pounds. I never thought I'd ever say that, but it's true. My health is suffering because of it, and it's time I did something about it. My goal for this month is to think before I eat, and be good to myself in other ways.
  • I'm a little late checking in, but I'm here.....March was rough, but Spring is here and time to set new goals. 1. Stay positive 2. Pack for the move and don't let it overwhelm me 3. Remind myself it is not treating myself good to over eat. Find other rewards
  • I'm Jo It's been a roller coaster this week..... going through initial paperwork to sell my house, looking for a new place....testing at school...too many things up in the air. I like having a plan, and I don't do well when there is none. I'm working on staying strong and not letting it all get to me. One day at a time!
  • I want to exercise more this month. My goal is to walk at least 5 times a week. I'd like to stick with my eating plan more, and of course be lighter by the end of the month.
  • I'm in!
  • I'm a little late checking in this's been a bit nuts! Work has been crazy, and we finally got an offer on our house.....still, I managed to get 2 pounds off so I'm happy about that! Onward and downward!
  • I've stayed the same for 10 days now. If I was anywhere near my goal I'd be happy, but I'm not so I have to take a closer look at things. I had my grandson over this weekend and I was playing with him, turning him upside down and I pulled a muscle in my back. :s (The "little guy" is almost 30 pounds) I've done it before,…
  • I've stayed the same for 10 days now. If I was anywhere near my goal I'd be happy, but I'm not so I have to take a closer look at things. I had my grandson over this weekend and I was playing with him, turning him upside down and I pulled a muscle in my back. :s (The "little guy" is almost 30 pounds) I've done it before,…
  • I'll gladly join you in your goals. I do much better when I have to check in somewhere. (My name is Jo btw) I want to be down 50 by summer vacation time(July), and get to my goal over the rest of the Summer. I just bought a fitbit and linked it here..... :) Onward and in the right direction!
  • Joan.....You're not a downer, I had one of those yesterday myself. I need to do the same as far as not blowing a whole day when things don't go as planned. I really want this to be the last time I have to lose a lot of weight. I know I'll always have to watch and go up and down a little....but these 50 pound swings are…
  • Yesterday wasn't the best day of choices, but today will be better. We got a bit of snow last night. (just enough to look really pretty but not stop traffic) The sunshine on the snow is just beautiful, but it's too cold to go out. Off to a better week!
  • Happy Valentine's Day everyone! It's pretty cold here, and I'm watching my grandbabies today so their parents can all have a nice evening out. My Valentine is working so we'll celebrate after he gets home. It was a good week, but the scale didn't move.... better luck this week!
  • Hi there! I'm Jo and I can tell you your knee WILL feel better as you lose. (mine does) Don't think you have to work out heavy for this to work....I just walk at whatever pace I can and it comes off. Just get out, and do what you can and be patient with yourself. I actually don't even take my music with me so I can focus…
    in Hello Comment by redzz16 August 2014
  • Nice to meet you! Just take a deep breath and relax. I know myself that being upset with yourself will only hurt the process. (I'm trying to lose my vacation weight too) Take one day at a time, and keep your healthy goal in mind. You'll get there! Jo
    in I'm back! Comment by redzz16 August 2014
  • I have dieted all my life with just about every program, (and joined too many gyms)and the only way to do it (and be done) is to NOT be on a diet. Eat real food.....cooked healthy ways in proper sizes. Make exercise a part of your life so find something you like to do instead of something you HAVE to do. (I walk or dance)…
  • Hi everyone! I just got back from a wonderful vacation! :drinker: I have some work to do to lose what I gained, but it's fine......I will.:wink: It was a fun vacation but it's also good to be back! Watch out for me next week! I'll be down! :flowerforyou:
  • Happy Birthday!!!! I wish you all the onto the next 30!!!
  • I really can't stand people like this that prey on others that are working and dreaming for something better. I can assure you that 50 of the 100 pounds is NOT water....c'mon. The only real way to do this once and for all is to change the way we eat, and why. Good food...fresh and healthy, not pre-made or pre-packaged. We…
  • I'm in! Losing 50 more pounds would get me really close to my goal! Jo
  • Have something healthy for you ready for you so you don't have to search around "looking for something" Sometimes I eat an apple on the way home so I'm not starved when I walk in. I don't really have junk food in the house....I can eat too much of a healthy thing sometimes (like cheese)
  • Not a great week, but I'm here and will try to do better this week. :)
  • The question is....what is the quality of food you are eating? Stay away from processed, "low fat" or "low calorie" foods....they are not natural. Don't eat power bar type things or meal replacements....stick to food in it's natural state. it might be what the calories ARE that is slowing you down, not the number. Limit…
  • Veggies can get you through the night munchies. If you're hungry then you'll want them....if you don't want them then it's probably a craving and you need to do something else to distract yourself and re-set your mind. Change takes effort but it's worth it!!! Hang in there!
  • I'm Jo, and you can add me in too!!! I want to get it all off and STAY there! I'd love the support!
  • Thanks so much! Between the 3 of them. I'm in love!!!
    in May Chat Comment by redzz16 May 2014
  • Good morning everyone and Hello!!! I am Jo and the proud new Grandmother of daughter had a son 6 months ago, and my daughter-in-law had twins (a boy and a girl) this past Friday. It's been a rush (my son, daughter-in-law and the twins are staying with me) I've gained and lost the same 50 pounds a dozen times and…
    in May Chat Comment by redzz16 May 2014
  • I'm hardly an expert (having to do this yet again) but what works best for me is eating food in it's most natural state. meaning, eat the orange, not OJ for example. I STRONGLY limit my pasta, bread, etc. carbs and only eat potatoes and whole grain rice. Staying away from all white flour stuff is hard, but it really works.…
  • Hi there.....I'm Jo, and I feel as if I've lost the same 50 pounds about 20 times now. I want to be rid of it once and for all, and feel better again. :)
  • I'm Jo and I have about 60 pounds to go. I think I've lost the same 50 pounds about 20 times.....and I want THIS to be the last time!